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6 Unexpected Things That Attract rats. Get Rid of Them For Good

There are sometimes unexpected things that attract rats. If you are trying to get rid of rats or mice from your house or garden or if you’re looking for a rat pest control company, you’re are probably wondering what brought them there in the first place. When we consider what might attract rats or mice to our homes or gardens there are some really obvious things that spring to mind, like rubbish bins or food left out. However, there are lots of more unexpected causes of a rat infestation and eliminating them might just help you get rid of rats and mice for good.

1. Bird feeders

We might be so vigilant about making sure we are careful with rubbish but in fact, bird feeders are a really common cause of rats. The bird food can leave residue and food that falls on the floor of your garden and attracts rats.

a bird feeding table


2. Fruit trees

If you have fruit trees in your garden it is always a good idea to collect the fallen fruit from the ground. We usually associate this with wasps, but in actual fact, rotting fruit on the ground can be a big attraction for rats as well.

fallen apples on the ground


3. Dog bowls and other water sources

Rats and mice also love a water source. Be careful about leaving a dog bowl outside permanently or if you have a swimming pool try not to leave the cover off.

a chihuahua by a water dish on the lawn

4. Piles of leaves

Rats and mice are always looking for somewhere to shelter. Piles of leaves, mulch or other leftover garden materials can act as a perfect rodent nesting site or even for a colony. If this is up against your house they could eventually chew through and get inside.

autumn leaves

5. Piles of logs

Again piles of logs are another fantastic home for rats and mice. If you plan to make a woodpile this winter be sure to research how to make a rat-proof wood stack without the temping little gaps for these pests to nestle into.

a pile of logs

6. Discarded items

If you have old furniture or old cars stored in your garden or shed these can make a fantastic home for rats and mice. Be sure to keep your garden areas as clear as possible.

a discarded chair

We can help you get rid of rats

If you are struggling to remove rats from your garden or house then sometimes you will need professional help. Click here to find out more about rats and mice or give us a call on 0800 955 0003 if you would like to chat through the problem you are experiencing. We are always happy to chat and see if we can help.